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Why magnesium oil sprays are good for you

Posted by Melissa Anderson on
Why magnesium oil sprays are good for you

The calcium oil used in calcium sprays is a concentration of magnesium chloride, sourced from 1,600 metres below the seabed. This provides a pure and natural remedy that’s free from artificial pollutants.

Magnesium oil sprays are a fast and efficient way to replenish your calcium levels. Designed to be obtained on the move, they are available in several varieties and may be used for relaxation and muscle support among several other applications.

How do they operate?
They are made to be sprayed directly on to the skin, where the calcium immediately starts to absorb. This is called transdermal absorption.

This is remarkably successful as the magnesium goes directly through to your blood vessels and muscles instead of needing to be consumed by your digestive system.

Magnesium oil sprays couldn’t be simpler to use. It is possible to use the sprays on just about any part of the body.

There is not an upper limit for transdermal calcium solutions. The only risks come when you take magnesium in the form of pills, as large doses may have a laxative effect. Toxic symptoms from excessive magnesium are infrequent because the body naturally eliminates any magnesium it does not require.

Where on my body should I spray on magnesium?

It is possible to use magnesium spray throughout the body. If you’re using Joint or Recovery sprays, apply them to the places that feel sore. Avoid spraying on broken skin, close to the eyes or around any sensitive areas.

Why does magnesium spray itch and sting?

A small itching or tingling sensation is probably a sign that your body has reduced levels of magnesium. This feeling will pass the longer you use the spray, as your body increases its calcium intake.


How to Choose a Great Sound System

Posted by Melissa Anderson on
How to Choose a Great Sound System

We’re taking a look at the big picture; this is a how-to purchase an audio system which best matches your requirements. So while I am not going to recommend specific products, I will set you on a plan of action.

What area in your house do you wish to listen to music or watch films? True, most people may have just a couple of possibilities, but in case you’ve got a good deal of alternatives, that’s excellent. Larger rooms have a tendency to sound better than small ones, but try to avoid places with broad expanses of bare floor, exposed big windows or mirrors, all those highly reflective surfaces are lousy news for noise.

If you can, do not place speakers straight up against a wall, or in a corner. Again, if you have some flexibility about that wall in a room you can put the main (front left and right) speakers, you will improve your odds for hearing the speakers at their very best. Thinking about all of this before you purchase anything is a crucial first step.

Step 2: Music, just? Or movies? Or both?
If you listen to more music than movies, stick with two speakers, together with a stereo receiver or amplifier, and a CD or digital audio sources like your pc or smartphone, and if you are into vinyl, a turntable. Your budget spent on just two speakers as opposed to five or more speakers permit you to purchase better quality speakers.

For home theatre, you may want to keep it comfortable and purchase a solid bar, and there are a whole lot of possibilities, from quite reasonably priced bars to luxury ones. Still, if you wish to hear films and TV shows in their best, you can not beat a multichannel system with five or more speakers, a subwoofer and a receiver. The feeling of immersion a bonafide multichannel system can provide will be miles ahead of the best soundbars.

If you have convinced yourself to go the wireless route, cool. Understand you are paying more for poor sound quality relative to ordinary wired speakers.

Step 3: How loud can you listen?
For stereo or home theater buyers this may be a tricky one to determine, because even if you just rarely throw parties or watch movies with a lot of special effects which are best appreciated at shake-the-walls volume, you will want a stronger (and probably much bigger and more expensive) system than one which will only be played in a more moderate quantity. Room size is also a significant factor; it is a great deal easier to attain high volume in a small space than a huge one.

If you prefer to play loudly, rule out audio bars, I have never heard one at any cost that sounded good played loudly. Then again, if you are reasonably confident you never have to blast music or movies, little speakers or a soundbar will probably be all you want.

Step 4: How much do you want to spend?
For those who have a small listening room, never hear mad loud, and would be entirely satisfied with an audio bar or stereo speakers and a little receiver, you should have no trouble finding bliss for under $500 or around AU$665. On the other hand, well-appointed stereo audio or home theatre system could begin at four times that amount.